Direct Checkout
Embed payment details in your own webpage, using our secure controls.
Hosted Payment Pages
Redirect to Access PaySuite payment pages, where we can securely collect payment details.
Mobile SDK
Build payments into your mobile application.
Digital Payment Requests
Send a link for payment to be completed online, via Merchant Portal or API.
Payment method activation
Activate payment methods, via Merchant Portal or API.
Our Requirements
When you take payments with our technologies, we require that you provide certain information to your Merchants:
A complete and accurate description of all goods and/or services offered for sale;
Full details of their cancellation, delivery and returns policy;
Customer service contact details
Transaction currency;
Export or legal restrictions, if known;
Data protection, privacy policy and security capabilities;
Security method for the transmission of payment data;
Information that the Cardholder is committing to a Transaction before they select the “pay now” button, with an Obvious option to cancel the payment at this point as an alternative to paying;
The address of your permanent establishment