Evolve Documentation Centre


Before integrating with Direct Checkout, the following prerequisites must be in place:

  • Onboarding
  • Credentials
  • Evolve Payment Service (EPS) Endpoints
  • Publishable ID.


Refer to the Quickstart Guide, where there are sections covering:

  • Creating a merchant
  • Creating a user
  • Completing the onboarding.

Currently the Creating a payment section is for Hosted Page integration, please refer to Processing a payment with Direct Checkout.


Access PaySuite will provide you with your credentials, consisting of:

  • ISV ID
  • API key for onboarding and other non-payment endpoints
  • Payment API Key for the payment endpoints.

Evolve Payment Service (EPS) Endpoints

Our Sandbox environment for payments is available at https://secure.test.pay360evolve.com

Publishable ID

The publishable ID is used to secure the card data collected in Direct Checkout and transmitted to the Access PaySuite payment platform. The Publishable ID is available from the Evolve Payment Service (EPS) paymentAccounts endpoint.

First call the general paymentAccounts endpoint, which will return a list of all your payment accounts:

curl --location --request GET '/api/v1/merchants/{ISV_ID}/paymentAccounts' \
--header 'jwt: {PAYMENT_API_KEY}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw ''

The response contains a JSON body with details about all your payment accounts, including the ID for the payment account you will be using.

Then call the paymentAccounts endpoint for a specific payment account:

curl --location --request GET '/api/v1/merchants/{ISV_ID}/paymentAccounts/{PAYMENT_ACCOUNT_ID}' \
--header 'jwt: {PAYMENT_API_KEY}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw ''

The response contains a JSON body with details about this payment account and will contain the Publishable ID.