Evolve Documentation Centre

Onboarding Merchants with the API

Access PaySuite Evolve APIs can smooth your users' onboarding journey or give you complete control over the user's onboarding experience.

API Onboarding

With this option you’ll onboard the merchant programmatically, either partially or entirely. There are three options, in order of difficulty of implementation:

  1. The ISV prepopulates some or all of the application data via the APIs and then creates a user account for the Evolve Merchant portal for the merchant to log in to review the information, provide corrections or anything which is missing, accept the service agreement and submit the application.
  2.  The ISV prepopulates all of the application data via the APIs, presents the service agreement to the merchant, and then submits the application, also via the API. The ISV creates a user account for the Evolve Merchant Portal, where the merchant logs in to provide any additional documentation that may be required
  3. The ISV prepopulates all of the application data via the APIs, presents the service agreement to the merchant, and then submits the application, also via the API. The ISV then monitors for document requests, collects and submits any documents that are requested, and monitors the application status 

For example, you might want to manage the early stages of the onboarding with API calls and then let the merchant take over. In this case, you would prepopulate the forms and let the merchant check the details and submit the application via the Evolve portal.

A detailed example of option one of the above could be as follows:

  1. The ISV collects all the information needed to complete the Evolve onboarding on behalf of the merchants. 
  2. The ISV submits the information via API calls that include everything needed to complete the onboarding screens.
  3. The ISV creates a User profile which sends an email invite to the merchant so the merchant can set their password and log in to the Evolve portal.
  4. When a user is logged in and on the Getting Started page, they see a new message to ‘Review and Submit Application’.
  5. Once the application is submitted the standard process applies:
  6. The application is reviewed by Evolve.
  7. The Merchant receives notifications on each stage of the onboarding process, including requests for additional documents. 

The following topics explain the API calls in the order of the merchant onboarding journey in the Evolve portal, but you can call the APIs in any order you like.

Business Details

Business Ownership

Products and Services


Bank Account

Submit Application

Uploading Documents