Evolve Documentation Centre

Uploading Documents


If there are outstanding requests, which would be the case if the application status is pending, you need to check what they are. Please note it’s optional to do this via API, you can also invite the merchant to do it themselves via the merchant portal.

  1. See if there are documents pending by checking the application status with Get Application or Get Applications with the merchantId and applicationId.
  2. If status is PENDING, then see what requests there are with GetDocumen RequestsThis will tell you the type and subtype of documents requested. See the table below for details of these.
  3. You then need to ask the merchant for the requested documents.
  4. Once the merchant has provided the requested documents, do the following steps for each document:
  5. Use UploadDocument to store each document with the Access PaySuite doc store. This will return an id which you need in the next step.
  6. Use AssociateDocuments to associate the document with the merchant (note: this method is currently called CreateDocument in the API documentation). Use the ExternalDocumentId and other fields listed in the table below to link the merchant and the document request.
  7. Once the document has been successfully uploaded, the status of the document request is set to FULLFILLED.
  8. Note that you can only upload the files with the following extensions .docx, .doc, .jpeg, .png, .rtf, .pdf.
  9. Note that the maximum file size you can upload is 10 mb
  10. Once all of the document requests have been fulfilled, the application status will automatically change to REFERRED for the Access PaySuite team to process.

Once you have provided all the documents, there is still a possibility that Access PaySuite may need to request additional documentation, in which case the status will go back to PENDING and there will be further document requests.

Please remember the security requirement for upload of documents. This is important to protect against personal ID documents falling in to the wrong hands. It may be worth consulting the Data Protection Act for guidance on this

Get Document Requests

The following is a GetDocumentRequests response example. It contains an HTML formatted message which the ISV can send to the merchant, containing a list of acceptable documents.

"id": "79cd30d5-2535-4383-a891-7c4c2404462b",
"merchantId": "11011751",
"subEntityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"subEntityId": "b6f22b89-da3a-4367-870f-25234b3a664e",
"documentType": "PROOF_OF_ADDRESS",
"title": "Proof of asddress required for test test",
"message": "<p>We have been unable to verify the address of <b>test</b> <b>test</b></p><p>Please upload one document from the list below.</p><ul><li>Current full or provisional Photocard driving licence (only if not used for proof of identity)</li><li>Official Bank Statement displaying the account holders name and address (issued within the last 3 months)</li><li>Utility Bill (issued within the last 6 months)</li><li>Centrally issued EU and EEA national identity cards</li></ul><p>The above documents are the easiest for us to check quickly, but in exceptional circumstances you can supply an alternative from the full list of accepted documents <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"https://docs.pay360evolve.com/support/uploading-documents.html\">here</a>.</p>",
"dueDate": "2022-07-17",
"createdAt": "2022-06-17T12:50:52.311Z",
"createdBy": "onboardingApplicationPreapprovalFlow",
"status": "PENDING",
"statusReason": "documents request generated by automated KYC workflow",
"statusChangedAt": "2022-06-17T12:50:52.311Z",
"statusChangedBy": "onboardingApplicationPreapprovalFlow"

Get Documents Response Message example

This is how the message would look when parsed by the merchant's browser or email client

We have been unable to verify the address of Mr Michael Merchant

Please upload one document from the list below.

  • Current full or provisional Photocard driving licence (only if not used for proof of identity)
  • Official Bank Statement displaying the account holders name and address (issued within the last 3 months)
  • Utility Bill (issued within the last 6 months)
  • Centrally issued EU and EEA national identity cards

The above documents are the easiest for us to check quickly, but in exceptional circumstances you can supply an alternative from the full list of accepted documents here.

When doing the Associate document request most of the information will be taken from the GetDocumentRequests response. Please see the table below for details.

*Only populate this if it’s present in the Get Document Requests response
The maximum file size is just under 10Mb.

Upload Document Example

    "id": "750e75e5-6425-4d57-9168-7eaa2fea0703"

Associate Document fields

Associate Document request

Corresponding field

Which response you get it from




Upload Document




Get Document Requests




Get Document Requests




Get Document Requests




Get Document Requests

Subtype ( Optional )

documentType, description

Get Document Requests
  •  "OTHER" 

Note: this is an example response for the Associate Document Request

    "merchantId": "8765876",
    "subEntityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
    "subEntityId": "dbd4e4fb-c3ed-42b5-8f07-a40cda16bb81",
    "type": "PROOF_OF_ADDRESS",
    "subtype": "UTILITY_BILL",
    "description": "Electricity bill",
    "classification": "PUBLIC",
    "externalDocumentId": "A12345678912345678912345678912345678",
    "requestId": "16102200-a046-43e0-9ce6-1fd297e4e2cc"

For more information see the API reference