Evolve Documentation Centre

Apple Pay merchant registration

Apple mandates registration of each merchant with the domain or domains where the Apple Pay button is displayed. The domain may be a single domain that is used by all merchants, or sub-domain for each merchant.  Apple does not require merchant registration for the Sandbox environment.

To register a merchant you will need to:

  • Prepare the merchant domains for registration
  • Submit a registration request to Evolve.

Prepare the merchant domains for registration

Before submitting a registration request to Evolve, you must prepare each domain included in the request.

Download this domain-verification file, and remove the file extension:

Host the domain-verification file at the following path for each domain you want to register: https://[DOMAIN_NAME]/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association

The domain-verification file must be in place before you submit a registration request to Evolve.

Submit a registration request to Evolve

Email a request with the following details to evolvesupport@theaccessgroup.com

  • ISV ID
  • Merchant ID
  • Domain or domains for each Merchant ID.