Evolve Documentation Centre

Working with our APIs

Evolve is built upon a foundation of public APIs that provide all of the functionality available from the platform, our APIs are as available to you as the pages in our portal.

Anything you can do in our portal (and more), can be done with our APIs, enabling you to integrate with Evolve as much or as little as you require. With Evolve, once you sign up to the system, you have the freedom to build services that extend and improve the functionality in Evolve.

We give you the building blocks to extend the utility of the base platform specifically for your own systems and those of your customers. Our APIs are REST based APIs which therefore reflect the capabilities of the Evolve Platform as a hierarchy of resources. All APIs have a consistent approach to their implementation, and all accept request bodies formatted in application/JSON, and return mainly JSON-encoded responses, however in some cases text/html can be returned.

API Design

Our APIs are based on an approach to API design called REST. In this approach an 'endpoint' is simply a unique URL that represents a resource that you can interact with, like a merchant or a document. The different HTTP actions you can take then represent the actions you can perform with the resource. We have used the following conventions within our APIs

The Evolve APIs use the following standard HTTP verbs to make requests, these correspond to create, read, update, and delete (or CRUD) operations, respectively:

  • POST – will create a resource
  • GET – will retrieve a single resource or a list of resources with optional pagination.
  • PUT – is used to update a resource and for most endpoints allows for partial updates
  • DELETE – is used to remove or deactivate a resource

Other actions may be available depending on the endpoint/resource and may be represented by a specifically named endpoint which also explains the action the endpoint represents. For example refunding a payment is represented by an endpoint named

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